Monday, August 30, 2021

My Top 5 News Sources

When deciding which sources to go to to stay informed, it is extremely important to go to a variety of sources with different views on foreign and domestic politics, economics, and other social issues. This variety of viewpoints allows you to gather all of the information, and then form your own thoughts and ideas about whatever the issue may be. Below I have curated my five favorite news sources that help me to stay informed in the ever changing world we live in.

Number 1: Fox News 

The First source on this list is Fox News. One of the driving factors behind the ever present change in our nation is Politics. US politics effects every citizen of the United States as well as countless citizens of the world, and that is why it is so important to stay up to date on events in the political sphere. It is important to obtain information from both sides of the isle, and no news outlet covers the conservative point of view quite like Fox News and that is why it has earned a place on this list.

Number 2: CNN

Sticking with the political theme, the next source on this list is CNN. As stated earlier it is important to take in information from sources with varying viewpoints. CNN, having a more leftward stance on American politics, is in my opinion, the perfect compliment to the reporting done by Fox News. CNN also does extensive and thorough coverage of social issues in American which have been of increasing importance to the American people in recent years.

Number 3: Instagram

Instagram is one one of the most accessed social media platforms available today. With over one billion monthly users across the world, instagrams ability to reach an extremely large audience is remarkable. This in combination with instagrams ability cover a large array of perspectives culturally, economically, and politically makes instagram one of the easiest and most convenient news sources that I use. In addition many news sources tend to be pessimistic, focusing very heavily on the negative things that are taking place. Instagram provides an outlet for a lot of more positive stories which I find to be extremely helpful in keeping life on the lighter side.

Number 4: BBC News

During the early months of the pandemic, I began to frequent the BBC World News website. BBC News’ coverage of the way different nations handled the pandemic, their successes and their failures, was extremely helpful in helping me to understand the world I was living in at the time. The BBC World News Network does an outstanding job at covering global news, and showing stories that tend to be left out by conventional American News outlets.

Number 5: The Wall Street Journal

The economy is a crucial component of everyday life in the United States and as such it is very important to stay up to date with the daily, monthly and yearly changes that may effect your financial situation. The Wall Street Journal does a good job covering changes made, and changes expected to be made by the Federal reserve like the manipulation of interest rates, and changes to open market operations, as well as doing extensive coverage of the stock market and outside events that may influence it both positively and negatively.

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