Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Diffusion of Ideas as it Pertains to The IPhone

The release of the first smart phone, the IPhone, by apple in 2007 sparked an immediate revolution in terms of communication. Over night it seemed like everyone had the power of a super computer at their fingertips. The ability to access the internet so effortlessly meant that people became connected like never before and allowed for the exponential growth of social media platforms and other new forms of communication.

The IPhone caught on extremely quickly. This was due in part to the fact that it was an extreme improvement over the cell phones available at that time. The original IPhone combined a cell phone, an MP3 player, camera, and computer all into a device that could fit in the palm of your hand and slide into your pocket. This kind of versatility had never been seen before and is part of the reason it was adapted so quickly.


After the early adapters had adapted the IPhone, apple continued to innovative. Feature after feature rolled out that were only for apple product users. FaceTime, IMessage, IMessage games, bitmojis, and other mobile games were only available to IPhone users. These features drew in countless late adopters who were affected by FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out. These adopters most likely had friends or family who were early adopters or early majority who could now use these new methods of communication, and they didn’t want to be left out.


However, there are some individuals, particularly in older generations, who have not, and most likely will never adopt the IPhone. Most of the time these individuals have become comfortable and set in their ways, and learning how to use a new cell phone would be too time consuming and stressful.

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