Friday, September 10, 2021

The Eight Values of Free

 There are eight values of free expression that are commonly discussed when examining the emergence and evolution of the First Amendment. The Marketplace of ideas, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-fulfillment, Check On Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote innovation, and to Protect Dissent. 


The value that resonates the most with me is the Marketplace of Ideas, which states that when falsehood grapples with the truth, the truth will win out. In the 1644 pamphlet by John Milton titled Areopagitica, Milton argues against the censorship of books, and states that we should be able to read different opinions to make the choice for ourselves as to what is right and wrong, what is truth and what is deceit. This resonates with me because in todays society censorship runs rampant, even in the United States. Big corporations shape the news to portray reality in a certain light. It appears we have forgotten Miltons wisdom all together.


In my opinion one of the most important of the eight values, especially today, is the Promotion of Tolerance. This value states that the protection of speech under the first amendment is necessary, especially that of hateful speech. This may seem odd at first however it is the hateful speech that allows us to learn from our past mistakes and misguided ideas, and grow as human beings. I believe this is extremely important because it teaches individuals to overcome adversity. It shows people that an individuals hateful speech has no baring over the direction of your life unless you allow it too. It shows us that a persons words, although they can be hurtful at the time, are not a limiting factor of your potential.


The value that feels most personal to me has to be Participation in Self Government. This value says that in order to have fair elections, and for the success of our democracy, candidates must be allowed to speak freely on their plans and policies. Without this voters would not be able to make fully informed decisions. Especially today, I believe it is crucial to have fair and free elections, and the spreading of misinformation by the media on both sides of the isle has made it nearly impossible for voters to know the true facts surrounding any political candidate. If the media does not put aside political alliances and get back to journalism, they will continue to keep the citizens of the United States in the dark, and deepen the already monumental divide in this country.


The value that is most present today is probably Stable change. This value states that the peoples right to free speech helps to prevent mutinous sentiments from building in society. Their freedom to express their grievances provides an outlet for their emotions helping to shield our fragile system of government and our way of life. This value has become increasingly prevalent today with thousands gathering in solidarity to invoke change after the death of George Floyd and many others. Without this principle within our right to freedom of speech, issues like this could topple our country, but thanks to the eight values of free expression we are protected.  



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