Tuesday, November 2, 2021

What I Learned: WWW

 During our discussion in class surrounding different advancements in technology and their subsequent effect on the way we communicate as human beings, CJ Vagnone’s presentation on the creation of the World Wide Web, or WWW, really caught my attention. I found this presentation to be particularly interesting because the creation of the WWW has allowed for the digital landscape that touches just about every aspect of life today.


The  first search engine available on the World Wide Web was called the World Wide Web and it was launched in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee. At the time of its release it was the only way to access the internet. Later on, the name of the application was changed to nexus to eliminate confusion between the browser and the internet its self


Since the internets inception, it has had a sweeping, revolutionary effect over the way people communicate with one another. With access to the internet people from across the world could now communicate with one another virtually instantaneously. The creation of the internet paved the way for new methods of communication such as email, instant messages, two-way video call, blogs, social media platforms and more. These new modes of communication improved the speed and effectiveness of the communication of new thoughts and ideas; however, it has also opened the door for the spread of misinformation and contributed to the issue of censorship. These particular problems have become thrust to the forefront of public concern with particular concern regarding information about and around the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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