Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Final Blog Post: How Does Technology Effect Society?

 Over the last 70 years or so the human race has taken a tremendous leap forward in nearly every aspect. Many of these improvements to society have come from the fast improvement and development of electronic technology and the dawn of the informational age, or digital age. Since the dawn of the digital age, the United States has seen life expectancy increase from 68 to 78, and globally from 30 to 72 years. In addition, quality of life has also seen a large improvement in the US and abroad. It is no question that there are numerous benefits that have come from, and continue to come from improvements in technology.

The medical industry has been greatly impacted by the use and development of technology. From the creation of the first CT scanners and MRI machines in the 60’s and 70’s to wearable EKG devices and tele-health conferences, technology continues to revolutionize the care and treatment of millions of people across the globe. Everyday new techniques and technologies are used to make life saving discoveries that would never have been realized even 10 years before. 


The creation of the internet might be one of the most important innovations of the digital age. The internet has created a web of connection across the globe. Today almost every electronic device that exists connects to the internet. The internet has lead to a true global marketplace of ideas, innovations, and commerce. By 2024 global e-commerce is expected to reach a staggering 21.8 percent of retail sales from 18 percent in 2020. The global connection that is the internet can also have some pretty dark downsides. Social media has been found to have increased the rates of depression and suicides in teens and young adults; and places like the dark web are havens for criminal activity like drug and sex trafficking, child pornography, and other horrible things.


Technology has also completely altered the way information and ideas are shared around the world. From the creation of the radio in 1890, and its use as entertainment in 1920, to the creation of television, and now the internet and social media, communication has become easier faster and more reliable. Technology has allowed people from all over the globe to communicate thoughts and ideas almost instantaneously. This in turn helps to foster the innovation of new technologies. Unfortunately, the ability of anyone being able to communicate their thoughts and ideas, and potentially be able to reach millions of people can lead to the production and use of misinformation, or fake news, to not only shape what issues a society is thinking about but also how they think about it. Corporations like facebook have openly admitted to be able to do this and pose a great threat to our country. Private censorship by these companies has proved to be a large issue as they are not held to the same standards because constitutional law, and the protection of free speech, does not apply to private entities.


Many advancements in technology, like the internet, have stemmed from military research and experiments. Especially in the ever-changing world that is today, national security is a constant concern, and due to this new technologies are constantly produced, new softwares are constantly developed in an effort to help keep the United States safe. However, as is often the case, actions made in the pursuit of security can easily violate our civil rights, upending the American principle of freedom. After all the debate between the theories of John Locke and Carl Marx is freedom VS security, and has been the cause for war and insurmountable bloodshed throughout history. If the cliché is true and history truly is destine to repeat itself, the events surrounding Edward Snowden and the NSA are a pretty good indicator of just how far the US government is willing to go. The Atrocities of the NSA and the US government were exposed by Edward Snowden in 2013. He showed the American public that the government was willing to go against American ideas and violate civil liberties by spying on every citizen of the globe who was connected to the internet. This scandal unfolded almost nine years ago, and if the government had the ability to spy on peoples calls, texts, emails, social medias, and more, who knows what they are capable of doing now with the help of massive tech corporations.


The evolution of technology has brought many conveniences to the lives of millions. But has technology really made our lives better? As a society, have we given technology a place in our lives that it hasn’t earned?



Friday, December 10, 2021

In The Age of AI

The dawn of the informational age in the mid 20th century was brought on by the inception and adaption of electronic technology. The technology of the early informational age allowed for the modernization of information and communication. Once again the world has begun to see advancements in technology rapidly change the landscape of the world. Most recently the development of AI, or artificial intelligence, has taken the technological hotspots of the world by storm. When people think of AI many recall the movie villains of the 1980’s, robots who became too advanced for their creators and take over the world suppressing the human race. However, AI takes many different forms today. From the personal assistants in most cell phones today, to google filling in your most likely search as you type it, to cars that drive themselves, we encounter AI algorithms and programs all the time in our everyday lives, most of the time without even realizing it. But AI is still relatively new and there are still many questions. For the many benefits AI brings to our everyday lives could it also be harmful? Could AI put our nation at risk?

After Google demonstrated their advancements in AI and machine learning, China began to realize that AI would be a pivotal technology of the future and began widespread and intense development of AI technologies. These AI developments have lead to the implementation of a complete surveillance state; millions of cameras watching citizens 24/7, using facial recognition to identify people, and track where they go and what they do. In much of China, AI like facial recognition and other programs have been added to their social credit system. The social credit system can best be described as a system of databases that the Chinese government has full of information on each citizen. The Databases monitor and assess the trustworthiness of people, companies, and government entities. A good social credit score may earn you perks like priority health care and deposit free renting, while a bad score could see you lose access to transportation like trains and planes. 


Chinas AI technology has come so far that the society has bypassed credit cards, and an individual can pay for groceries with their face. Another example of chinas AI innovation is a program that assesses an individuals risk for a loan from five thousand factors like what percentage you keep your phone on and how confidently you type your loan application. This entire process takes an average of eight seconds. China even has a program where facial recognition is used to identify J-walkers. Their photo is posted on a sign and they are publicly shamed, ridiculed, and instantly fined. China’s implementation of such advanced AI in their surveillance of citizens sparks concerns that are reminiscent of reading George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. A society with no privacy or civil liberties, citizens constantly being watched in an attempt to “better society”, strict punishment for minor offenses, and a way for those in power to remain there.


With China becoming one of the United States biggest adversaries in recent years, as well as becoming the largest competitor to Silicon Valley and American AI, National security is always a high priority. One example of how AI has already posed a threat to democracy in the US is the Cambridge Analytica scandal. It showed that the AI technology currently being used by Facebook to learn about and predict user behavior could be used to help manipulate the voting patterns of people without their knowledge. If the public’s thoughts and ideas are not there own, and they have been manipulated into voting in a certain way than our democracy has failed at a fundamental level.


In addition, AI technology has brought on yet another wave of automation, and as history will show, advancements in automation does lead to rising unemployment. For example the use of self driving trucks for shipping and the trucking industry will put thousands individuals out of a job. Dr. Kai Fu-Lee, a computer scientist and author of many books about AI stated in an interview that he believes as much as 50% of jobs will be threatened by AI technology. However, in the wake of large societal advancements and changes in markets, it is common that new industries and careers will take hold and offer new economic opportunities. This leaves many people in a difficult situation due to the fact that many of these new careers require training and education that many do not have or can afford.

Advancements in AI technologies have made our lives increasingly more easy, but does that mean they have actually improved our lives? Have we mistaken their luxuries as an improvement to our lives when in reality they are used as tools to strip us of our civil liberties, our privacy, our identities as individuals, and even our financial stability.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Anti-War Voices

 Throughout much of the United States history anti war voices have not occupied the forefront of American journalism. This trend can be seen not just here at home, but also in countless countries across the globe. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that it can be seen as un-patriotic; and in a country like the United States, where patriotism has been of high importance historically, having an opinion that does not support the men and women fighting for our freedom is not popular.

The silencing of anti war voices in America is not a new topic of conversation. During the civil war in 1862, Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus. This meant that citizens of the Union could be arrested and thrown in jail without legal grounds; if an individual was suspected of not supporting the war or spoke out against the government they could be thrown in jail without cause, representation, or a trial. This act violated the first, fifth, and sixth constitutional amendments but was the first real time the US government can be seen legally, and blatantly silencing anti war voices. 


When discussing anti war voices it is hard not to look at the US police action in Vietnam. Despite the fancy name the United States  presence in Vietnam during the 1960’s carries all the hallmarks of war; armed conflict, two different states, death, and so on. The war in Vietnam sparked tremendous outrage from the American public, and although the anger was mostly with American leadership at the time, most of the outrage ended up being aimed at the troops themselves. Thousands of troops who fought for American Ideals, who were just following orders, came home to an onslaught of hateful messages that turned them into the bad guys. It wasn’t just protests and spectacles, but these anti war ideas had infiltrated popular culture; songs, media, television, movies, all painted these dedicated Americans as villains. This vilification lead to alienation, depression, and even suicide amongst many veterans. When looking back on the actions of many in the 1960’s, and knowing the effects of these actions, it is a widely held belief in America that it is important to support the US military. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

What I Learned: WWW

 During our discussion in class surrounding different advancements in technology and their subsequent effect on the way we communicate as human beings, CJ Vagnone’s presentation on the creation of the World Wide Web, or WWW, really caught my attention. I found this presentation to be particularly interesting because the creation of the WWW has allowed for the digital landscape that touches just about every aspect of life today.


The  first search engine available on the World Wide Web was called the World Wide Web and it was launched in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee. At the time of its release it was the only way to access the internet. Later on, the name of the application was changed to nexus to eliminate confusion between the browser and the internet its self


Since the internets inception, it has had a sweeping, revolutionary effect over the way people communicate with one another. With access to the internet people from across the world could now communicate with one another virtually instantaneously. The creation of the internet paved the way for new methods of communication such as email, instant messages, two-way video call, blogs, social media platforms and more. These new modes of communication improved the speed and effectiveness of the communication of new thoughts and ideas; however, it has also opened the door for the spread of misinformation and contributed to the issue of censorship. These particular problems have become thrust to the forefront of public concern with particular concern regarding information about and around the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Agenda Setting Theory

What Is Agenda Setting Theory?


Agenda setting describes the theory that issues that are heavily stressed or reported on become the important, or salient issues in the eyes of the public. The theory of agenda setting was first studied on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1968 by professors McCombs and Shaw while examining the 1968 presidential election. Their study, which came to be known as The Chapel Hill Study examined the issues that were most frequently reported on by five popular news outlets, and compared them to the issues most important to undecided voters in the upcoming election. The results of this study helped to create what is now agenda setting theory and show how the mainstream media can influence public opinion. Today there are two different levels of agenda setting, Basic Agenda Setting, and Attribute Agenda Setting.


Basic Agenda Setting Theory


Basic agenda setting theory focuses on how the “objects” presented by the media can shape public opinion. In this setting the term object applies in the context of social psychology in that it can be thought of as a thing or issue that an individual has a strong attitude or opinion about. Basic agenda setting theory concerns itself with the topics of inquiry that news outlets chose to present to the public. This type of agenda setting was the basis for Professor McCombs’ and Professor Shaw’s Chapel Hill Study.


Numerous studies concerning basic agenda setting theory have been conducted to corroborate the findings of the Chapel Hill Study. The findings show that the salient issues presented by the mainstream media almost always correspond to the salient issues of the public.



Attribute Agenda Setting



The concept of attribute agenda setting takes the concept of basic agenda setting a step further by examining the attributes, or characteristics of the objects presented in the media. Attribute agenda setting examines how the media’s decision to cover certain aspects of an issue and to not cover others can shape public opinion about that particular issue itself. The body of research surrounding attribute agenda theory suggests that it can be used by the media to not just influence what issues you think about, but also how you think about them.



The Effect Of The Internet On Agenda Setting



Prior to the release of the IPhone in 2007, and the subsequent explosion of internet use around the world, there was a debate amongst agenda setting theory scholars as to how the shift from print and television news sources, to web news sources would impact agenda setting theory. There were two different theories about the implications of internet news; one theory is that the diversity of ideas on the internet would lead to the collapse of agenda setting all together. The other was that the issues in media that led to the rise of agenda setting would plague the internet as well.


The first hypothesis regarding agenda setting in internet news sources states that due to the exorbitant amount of different news outlets and viewpoints on the internet, the public will not be limited to the same redundant news stories; individual views and perspectives will be so varied that agenda setting theory will no longer be applicable. The second hypothesis states that web news outlets will become dominated by a select few powerful news organizations who control the news seen by the public.


Unfortunately it appears that the second hypothesis has rung true. The web media landscape is dominated by much of the same corporations that control print and television news. Such corporations include The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, NBC, CNN, Fox News, and many more. However, the age of internet news has led to the wide spread adoption of agenda setting theory by newer corporations like, Facebook, Twitter, and Google. The use of agenda setting theory by these corporations is particularly frightening because, in some cases, it crosses the from only displaying news stories that support their agenda, and actually silences individuals who express opposing view points, a characteristic that was crucial to the success of the first hypothesis above. With Google being the dominant search engine in America, and Facebook and Twitter owning the majority of social media outlets, the public is basically handing the future of America to these corporations, and through agenda setting theory and targeted censorship they have the power to undermine the very principles of democracy for their own personal gain. After all are elections really free if the only available information is part of a larger political, social, or economic agenda?

Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Diffusion of Ideas as it Pertains to The IPhone

The release of the first smart phone, the IPhone, by apple in 2007 sparked an immediate revolution in terms of communication. Over night it seemed like everyone had the power of a super computer at their fingertips. The ability to access the internet so effortlessly meant that people became connected like never before and allowed for the exponential growth of social media platforms and other new forms of communication.

The IPhone caught on extremely quickly. This was due in part to the fact that it was an extreme improvement over the cell phones available at that time. The original IPhone combined a cell phone, an MP3 player, camera, and computer all into a device that could fit in the palm of your hand and slide into your pocket. This kind of versatility had never been seen before and is part of the reason it was adapted so quickly.


After the early adapters had adapted the IPhone, apple continued to innovative. Feature after feature rolled out that were only for apple product users. FaceTime, IMessage, IMessage games, bitmojis, and other mobile games were only available to IPhone users. These features drew in countless late adopters who were affected by FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out. These adopters most likely had friends or family who were early adopters or early majority who could now use these new methods of communication, and they didn’t want to be left out.


However, there are some individuals, particularly in older generations, who have not, and most likely will never adopt the IPhone. Most of the time these individuals have become comfortable and set in their ways, and learning how to use a new cell phone would be too time consuming and stressful.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Privacy In The Digital Age

 After watching the four Ted Talk videos posted for class, and reflecting upon them I have come to the conclusion that the issues discussed are of remarkable significance in todays society.


Today people in the United States leave a massive digital footprint, and in doing so provide companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter a plethora of personal information that these corporations are free to use in any capacity they may choose. These companies may choose to sell your information to other companies or even the government; giving them information on your shopping habits, where you travel on the internet and what you buy, and even your GPS location in real time. You may be sitting there asking yourself, Who cares? Or saying, I don’t have anything to hide, I don’t mind. However these egregious breaches of your personal privacy could be dangerous. Many of these internet platforms Can use this data to shape the way you think and what you think, thanks to targeted advertising and marketing. In some cases this can be seen as a dangerous path to to George Orwell’s 1984 dystopian society, where free thought is a crime and Big Brother is always watching.


In some ways we are already there. In the second Ted Talk video, Catherine Crump discusses how automatic license plate readers are pouring the data, even for law abiding citizens, into the databases of our local police forces. This data can show where you travel to, who you are with and even what you are doing; and they have all of this information without a warrant, without any evidence of a crime being committed, and it makes you wonder, what happened to innocent until proven guilty? If this principle, that is so important to the American identity no longer exists, then who is to say what other guaranteed freedoms may be stolen from us in the future.


The third Ted Talk discusses how simple it is for the government and different law enforcement agencies to back door they’re way into your personal conversations on your phone, thanks to the cooperation of private cellular carriers. The videos also discusses how some tech companies like Facebook and Apple have developed some encryption software to make this more difficult. However, who is to say that these companies have not built back doors into their softwares as well, especially since these companies are known for selling your personal data.


The best way to protect yourself remains to not put your personal information on the internet as best you can. Use fake emails, close tabs and apps so that you can’t be tracked, use IMessage and WhatsApp so it is harder for the government to see your personal conversations, and most importantly, be smart about the information that you make available to these companies, and anyone else who may manage to get a hold of it.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Invention Of The Personal Computer And Its Implications

 The first personal computer, or PC, was invented in 1975. The MITS Altair 8800 was the first personal computer, however if someone were to put one in front of you today you would not think you were looking at a computer at all. The inventors, Ed Roberts and Forrest M. Mims lll, got their experience in electronics while working in the weapons laboratory at an Air Force base. They began making kits for rocket enthusiasts; their business was thriving but they wanted to be able to market their kits to a broader range of hobbyists. They began producing calculator kits and eventually managed the MITS Altair 8800. 

This PC was primitive, there was no display, calculations had to be walked through manually at its base level, and it was riddled with electrical issues. It was possible to add a printer so that the individual didn’t have to transcribe the calculations however that was a pricey upgrade.


The first personal computer as we know it today was invented by IBM, and was called the IBM PC. The IBM PC was introduced in 1981 and featured Microsofts Disk Operating System (MS DOS). Although the IBM PC was marketed towards the general public it was adopted by the corporate world, as large corporations bought them in bulk for the workplace. The effects of this can still be seen today as Microsoft operating systems dominate the workplace, even though Macs are much more popular for private use.


Apple’s 1984 release of the Macintosh changed the game in the PC world. The Macintosh offered a new concept within its software, picture icons. This may seem like a relatively basic achievement today however it was this upgrade that helped the PC world expand to the general public. Up until this point computers ran on the most basic operating systems, ones and zeros, and people needed to take a course to understand their functions and how to operate them. The upgraded Macintosh operating system with picture icons was so easy and straight forward to use, anyone could do it, making it the perfect choice for a home computer, and helping to establish the PC market.


With these vast improvements people were connected like never before. The creation and evolution of the personal computer paved the way for countless new means of communication. Email, social media, message boards, video chats, and dozens more. Now you could send someone a letter in 2 minutes instead of a few days. The exchange of new ideas became faster and much much easier. Laboratories across the country could now work together and exchange their findings leading to massive and meaningful breakthroughs in terms of medicine and general sciences. 


Also the creation of the PC has vastly changed the way people get their news. Today the newspaper industry is a dying business because virtually everyone has access to breaking news stories online for free anytime. There are blogs, like this one, mainstream news outlets, and smaller journalists all a click away. None of which would have been possible if not for the personal computer. 


However, not every aspect of the personal computer has had a positive impact. Online chat rooms and social media platforms have become havens for hatred and bullying and it has been shown to have had a devastating impact on the mental health of countless American kids. In extreme cases it has even led to suicide. Beyond this, it has been found that the light emitted from PC screens can be harmful to an individuals eyes and can even disrupt sleep patterns.


Another issue that has become increasingly prevalent today is identity theft. People keep so much personal information on their computers that a single hacker can steal an individuals whole identity; they can open credit cards, take out loans, and even steal your home (Home Title Theft) all in the matter of hours.


In addition the evolution and advancement of the PC has had devastating implications on the environment. In particular the mining for precious metals like lithium for batteries and cobalt for screens has led to massive deforestation and loss of habitat and wildlife, as well as an increase in harmful emissions into the atmosphere exasperating global climate change.

Friday, September 10, 2021

The Eight Values of Free

 There are eight values of free expression that are commonly discussed when examining the emergence and evolution of the First Amendment. The Marketplace of ideas, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-fulfillment, Check On Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote innovation, and to Protect Dissent. 


The value that resonates the most with me is the Marketplace of Ideas, which states that when falsehood grapples with the truth, the truth will win out. In the 1644 pamphlet by John Milton titled Areopagitica, Milton argues against the censorship of books, and states that we should be able to read different opinions to make the choice for ourselves as to what is right and wrong, what is truth and what is deceit. This resonates with me because in todays society censorship runs rampant, even in the United States. Big corporations shape the news to portray reality in a certain light. It appears we have forgotten Miltons wisdom all together.


In my opinion one of the most important of the eight values, especially today, is the Promotion of Tolerance. This value states that the protection of speech under the first amendment is necessary, especially that of hateful speech. This may seem odd at first however it is the hateful speech that allows us to learn from our past mistakes and misguided ideas, and grow as human beings. I believe this is extremely important because it teaches individuals to overcome adversity. It shows people that an individuals hateful speech has no baring over the direction of your life unless you allow it too. It shows us that a persons words, although they can be hurtful at the time, are not a limiting factor of your potential.


The value that feels most personal to me has to be Participation in Self Government. This value says that in order to have fair elections, and for the success of our democracy, candidates must be allowed to speak freely on their plans and policies. Without this voters would not be able to make fully informed decisions. Especially today, I believe it is crucial to have fair and free elections, and the spreading of misinformation by the media on both sides of the isle has made it nearly impossible for voters to know the true facts surrounding any political candidate. If the media does not put aside political alliances and get back to journalism, they will continue to keep the citizens of the United States in the dark, and deepen the already monumental divide in this country.


The value that is most present today is probably Stable change. This value states that the peoples right to free speech helps to prevent mutinous sentiments from building in society. Their freedom to express their grievances provides an outlet for their emotions helping to shield our fragile system of government and our way of life. This value has become increasingly prevalent today with thousands gathering in solidarity to invoke change after the death of George Floyd and many others. Without this principle within our right to freedom of speech, issues like this could topple our country, but thanks to the eight values of free expression we are protected.  



Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The US Supreme Court: Reflection



After watching and reflecting on this video there were numerous facts about the Supreme Court that I was unaware of. I found the number of cases the justices of the court review to be staggering. The Supreme Court receives 100 new cases everyday! And each justice reviews about 130 cases each week. The justices review the legality of the rulings of the lower courts using older case precedents as well as going all the way back and examining the constitution directly. I learned that the Supreme Court works reactively and not proactively; meaning that the court reviews rulings that have already occurred seeking to improve it, and does not address possible issues in the future. All case rulings are released at the end of term and a justice of the majority is chosen to write an opinion on the case. If the decision is split other justices may choose to write their own opinions leading to a final opinion that can be upwards of 80 pages in length.


In my opinion there were several key points about the Supreme Court present in this video. One of which being that cases are tried in public consisting of an hour long oral argument between an attorney and all nine Supreme Court justices. Although it is described as an argument it more closely resembles a dialogue where the nine justices ask the attorney questions in order to show the other justices particular aspects of the case that could cause them to take the same position. Another key take away about the Supreme Court is that they receive so many cases that it is impossible for them to hear them all, and thanks to the Writ Of Certiorari they don’t have too. The court can’t hear all the cases; just because a case proposal is denied, it doesn’t mean the court is ruling against it.


One of the most interesting things I learned from watching this Supreme Court video was the fact that all the justices shake hands every time they meet. Regardless of their differences in the way they interpret the constitution, or their political affiliation, they shake hands as a sign of respect. Which is important because an appointment to the Supreme Court is a lifetime appointment, so they will be seeing each other a lot over the years.


After watching the video about the Supreme Court I began to realize just how powerful the Supreme Court is and just how influential the justices are. Through the process of judicial review, established by Chief Justice John Marshall in 1803, the Supreme Court checks the power of both the executive and legislative branches of government. And due to their heavy reliance on precedents, the decisions made by the current justices could determine the outcome of cases hundreds of years in the future.

Monday, August 30, 2021

My Top 5 News Sources

When deciding which sources to go to to stay informed, it is extremely important to go to a variety of sources with different views on foreign and domestic politics, economics, and other social issues. This variety of viewpoints allows you to gather all of the information, and then form your own thoughts and ideas about whatever the issue may be. Below I have curated my five favorite news sources that help me to stay informed in the ever changing world we live in.

Number 1: Fox News 

The First source on this list is Fox News. One of the driving factors behind the ever present change in our nation is Politics. US politics effects every citizen of the United States as well as countless citizens of the world, and that is why it is so important to stay up to date on events in the political sphere. It is important to obtain information from both sides of the isle, and no news outlet covers the conservative point of view quite like Fox News and that is why it has earned a place on this list.

Number 2: CNN

Sticking with the political theme, the next source on this list is CNN. As stated earlier it is important to take in information from sources with varying viewpoints. CNN, having a more leftward stance on American politics, is in my opinion, the perfect compliment to the reporting done by Fox News. CNN also does extensive and thorough coverage of social issues in American which have been of increasing importance to the American people in recent years.

Number 3: Instagram

Instagram is one one of the most accessed social media platforms available today. With over one billion monthly users across the world, instagrams ability to reach an extremely large audience is remarkable. This in combination with instagrams ability cover a large array of perspectives culturally, economically, and politically makes instagram one of the easiest and most convenient news sources that I use. In addition many news sources tend to be pessimistic, focusing very heavily on the negative things that are taking place. Instagram provides an outlet for a lot of more positive stories which I find to be extremely helpful in keeping life on the lighter side.

Number 4: BBC News

During the early months of the pandemic, I began to frequent the BBC World News website. BBC News’ coverage of the way different nations handled the pandemic, their successes and their failures, was extremely helpful in helping me to understand the world I was living in at the time. The BBC World News Network does an outstanding job at covering global news, and showing stories that tend to be left out by conventional American News outlets.

Number 5: The Wall Street Journal

The economy is a crucial component of everyday life in the United States and as such it is very important to stay up to date with the daily, monthly and yearly changes that may effect your financial situation. The Wall Street Journal does a good job covering changes made, and changes expected to be made by the Federal reserve like the manipulation of interest rates, and changes to open market operations, as well as doing extensive coverage of the stock market and outside events that may influence it both positively and negatively.